Sunday, March 16, 2008

Edinburgh, Scotland (Europe)

Hi, this was the 14th country in the 34 country World tour. The country of kilts, tartan and bagpipes.

A bit of an ordinary break and because I had been here before I did not really go to any effort of really seeing everything. I stayed in a guest house quite near to the centre of Edinburgh and just really walked around Princes Street. The sights of Edinburgh are the Scott Monument, Edinburgh Castle, Royal Mile and Balmoral Hotel.

I had a nice relaxing time apart from my bags and travellers cheques going missing and British Airways and American Express not helping in the slightest. My advice to anybody thinking of travelling is not to have travellers cheques even though they may seem the safer option they aren't as the company you get them from are usually unhelpful and not to go by British Airways as I have been on over 40 flights around the World and these are the only people to have lost my bag and they don't give a toss.

Next I will be going to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Take care.
