Monday, December 24, 2007

Hammamet, Tunisia (Africa)

Hi, the 20th country of 28 in the world tour and this makes it 14 countries for 2007. I go into 2008 with a new way of travelling which is not coming home and move from country to country which will be a new challenge.

To be honest I did not like Tunisia that much as every where you went people were just pestering you to come into their shop and buy something. It got quite intimidating and they used to do it in groups and block you off so you couldn't get out of the shop until you have bought something. I just went down to the beach for a relaxing stroll and no one was there and then out of no where appeared this man with necklaces wanting me to buy a coffee from a hotel on the beach.

I went on a two day excursion which took me into the south of the country and visited various places such as Matmata where all the houses are built into the mountains. We went to the gate of the Sahara Desert and went on a camel. We went to a fruit plantation and saw how people grew and picked dates from the trees. We stopped over at a hotel for one night and ended up sharing a room with a Spanish rock and roller who told me he had dabbled with drugs and liked alcohol. The next day we made our way back to our hotels but stopped at Kairouan which is the 4th holiest city in Islam. We saw the grand mosque and went in the only shop that had fixed prices.

I went to the Medina in Hammamet centre and there was no one there so I got swamped by market sellers try to sell me all sorts for cheap prices so they said and harassed me so I only spent about thirty minutes there and went back to the hotel.

The hotel was very nice but because of the people in Tunisia and the tricks they try to pull on decent people I would never go back and would think again before travelling to Africa unless it was with an organised tour with plenty of activity. It was not all bad though as I met two really lovely couples and a girl that I really got on with and they made my holiday. I owe them a lot and hopefully will meet with them in between my travels. They were really nice and I really enjoyed there company.

The next holiday is the big one. The build up has been intense and the support has been immense. I will prepare to go sixty eight days around the world. Sixty eight days, eight stops, one man, one dream and the penultimate goal for me in travelling. This would only be topped for me by going to all seven continents.

Take care
