Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Stockholm, Sweden (Europe)

Hi, the 22nd country in the 30 country revised world tour. Not actually in the original plan of the places to which I would be going but I researched Helsinki and from the books knew that I could catch a ferry to Sweden and to Estonia, which I will be going to tomorrow.

I got to Helsinki on Saturday and then on Sunday I spent the whole morning trying to find a place to buy tickets for the ferry. In the end I had to go to the port itself and the Viking Line office at the Katajanokan Terminal. I booked the 5:30pm ferry that got to Stockholm at about 10am. I had my own cabin so was able to get some sleep on the crossing.

I got to Stockholm and got the bus from the port to the Central Bus Terminal which is across the road from the Central Railway Station. I bought a locker so I didn't have to carry my bag around. It rained a bit whilst I was there but generally the weather was good enough to walk around in. It was quite a bit colder than England but it was alright if you wrapped up warm. To be honest there isn't that many well known sites in Stockholm but the City Hall and the Royal Palace is well worth a look. I walked around the centre of Stockholm and the streets are full of shops and shopping centres that you can buy cheap goods. The currency is the Swedish Krona. I spent the day there and went back to the port at 3:30pm to catch the 4:30pm ferry back to Helsinki. When you go from Helsinki to Stockholm you o across a time zone so you put your clocks back an hour when going to Stockholm and forward an hour going to Helsinki.

Got back to the hotel in Helsinki at 10:30am. The snow is still on the streets and it looks very nice. Tallinn, Estonia tomorrow and Tokyo, Japan on Saturday which is very exciting.

Take care.
