Saturday, February 23, 2008

Auckland, New Zealand (Oceania)

Hi, the 31st country of the 33 country World tour and the last new country of the around the World trek as the next two countries are the USA and Spain which I have been to. I come to the country that brings me to the closest I am ever going to get at being around the other side of the World. New Zealand lies just west of the International Date Line.

The only thing I really knew about Auckland is that they had a big tower called the Sky Tower so I decided that this would be the place where I would rest, save some money and relax. I have big plans for Los Angeles and I am knackered so time to get my thoughts together and rest.

On Monday I went to the Sky Tower and went right up to the Sky Deck and saw all of Auckland and that was about all I did apart from going to a Japanese restaurant and eating some weird and wonderful food. Did a bit of shopping and walked about a bit but nothing major. I lost AU$600 at the hotel in Sydney so I rung them up and they said it would cost me AU$110 to send them to my hotel in Auckland so I asked for the codes of the cheques rung American Express and claimed them back from a bank in Auckland with no cost.

Next will be Los Angeles where I hope to get flights to New Orleans and Mexico City but might just do New Orleans depending on how I feel and the availibility. I emailed a good hostel in Mexico City and reserved a room for two nights and they actually emailed back to confirm so thats promising. I will ask at the hotel reception and ask to book a night in New Orleans or go there and find some where but I have asked other hotels before and I got the feeling they couldn't be bothered. See what happens It's coming to an end now with only 2 weeks,book some other jaunts when I get back home.

Take care.
