Saturday, November 24, 2007

Qawra, Malta (Europe)

Hi,this is the 18th country of 28 in the world tour. Malta has been very nice, raining to start with but turning out to be hot and sunny. I went with my good friend Karl but he had to go home early on Monday because something major had happened at home.

I arrived expecting Malta to be a glitzy new place but I was shocked to find buildings half built and people taking other buildings down. I did enjoy the sea though and all the scenery that Malta had to offer. Every place in the world has it's own history and Malta's no different. Whether it is Valetta or Mdina, it has its own story and it is full of old buildings and great architecture.

Saturday me and Karl went to Valetta and we was followed by the Queen who got there on Tuesday, I am sure she is following me. We didn't see the Queen but managed to bump in to the German President, Horst Köhler, on a state visit to Malta and he came up to the crowd and some of the Maltese spoke German. We then went to St. Julians Bay on Sunday and it seemed a bit posh with the Hilton, all the five star hotels and Portamaso Tower but was nice to walk around and very clean. On Monday Karl went home, which left me quite upset as we had a laugh and I enjoyed his company, and I went round Qawra where we were staying. On Tuesday I got the bus to Mdina & Rabat, Mdina is a town on the top of a hill with walls that go around. A bit like a castle with a town inside. In Rabat there was nothing but a church so a bit boring. On Wednesday I got the bus and ferry to Gozo which is an island just off Malta. I went to the capital Victoria and went round the market and got some things for home. On Thursday I had a one hour body massage and had another walk round Qawra which was great. Friday I returned back to England unpacked and packed up again ready to go to Kenya on Sunday.

Malta is a very nice place to go to with a lot of history but no known landmarks like Eiffel Tower or Empire State Building. The prices are virtually the same but the public transport is brilliant and you can get a bus anywhere for just about 80p. Nice place to come and relax especially in Winter as it is quite hot and there is no one about.

Take care.
